Gerard Raatgeep's projects.

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.....Street art.....


I am active with street art since 2002 and with the name Femoesa since +- 2009. I have done a lot of different projects with different names and i am still experimenting, psychology is a big influence in my work.

.....I am just standing.....


I just take a picture of myself. This project started in 2019 and will be ended when i am dead. The goal is to see the progress in style of clothing, the aging process and the overall composition of the photo. The idea is very simple, first i try to find a nice background for the photo and then i set the self timer of the camera to 10 seconds. Then i take 3 steps from the camera and thats it. I have mounted a mini tripod on the back of my bike so it's easy and fast for me to take a picture, also i carry a tripod with me for the place where i can't use my bike. As the project was in progress within the first few weeks i thought this is a pretty fun project because it seems to be a nice idea to do this till the day that i will die..

.....Very inactive projects.....


Abstract works

Abstract art experiments


Daily blindfolded drawings

Selfies with a twist

Plastic bags in trees and bushes

Daily randomly generated colorful abstract art with a randomly generated title

50 shades of grey

Kitchy Flying Flowers

Vicious Cirlcles
